Preparing For Your Family Law Consultation
I can’t tell you how many people come in for their consultation and have no idea what to ask me. This time is your opportunity to find out if I am the best person to represent you for this specific situation in your life. A life changing situation in your life! Take advantage! When you come in for your consultation, it is best to know what you need to ask the attorney. What are you there for? Is it a divorce case? Is it a paternity case? Has your ex threatened to not bring the kids home after their summer vacation? Think about the situation and formulate your questions to that situation. Consider your ultimate goal. Do you want advice in general, such as what is the divorce process in Florida, or do you need a specific task completed, such as she has taken the kids to Virginia against the parenting plan and I need some sort of motion to get them back right now. You should also think about your budget. Nothing is more important than your well-being, your family, and...