
Showing posts from October, 2017

Types of Protective Injunctions in Florida

There are 5 very specific types of injunctions, or restraining orders, that you can apply for in Florida.  It is important that you know the difference between them, because if you apply for the wrong one, the injunction can be denied.  On the other hand, if you are defending against an injunction, that is the first line of defense.  Was the proper injunction applied for?  Below is a listing of the types of Injunctions in Florida: 1.       Injunction for Protection Against Domestic Violence – This injunction is specifically for persons who have been the victim of domestic violence or who are afraid of imminent domestic violence.  Domestic violence includes assault, battery, sexual battery, stalking, kidnapping, and false imprisonment. A domestic relationship means that the person is either your spouse, former spouse, related to you by blood or marriage, living with you presently, or has lived with you in the past, or the pe...

Heather's Top 5 "Myths" in a Divorce Case

5. We have already agreed to everything.    You may have sat down and agreed to everything.  You may have even typed it up and signed it.  But all of that may go down the drain, when it actually comes down to the process of the the divorce.  I have seen that happen more times than not.  Divorce somehow has a way of making the ugly come out in even the best people.  They are hurt and and they want their spouse to feel their hurt.  Suddenly those agreements are non-existent. 4. My spouse is not going to hire an attorney.   I had this happen just this past week.  Guess what? The spouse hired an attorney.  And as they should!  You cannot count on the fact that everything is just going to go your way during the divorce process.  You must be willing to compromise on some things. 3. I know my soon-to-be-ex-spouse better than you (attorney).   Therefore, I am not going to listen to my attorney's advice.  You hired y...